Alexandra Koch

Ciao! I’m Alexandra, a FOCUS missionary at the University of Vienna.

“Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” -Mother Teresa

Where I serve

Grüß Gott! I’m privileged to be serving as team director at the University of Vienna in Austria.

My Story

I’m a Dallas, Texas native and grew up in a Catholic atmosphere. When I started college I was comfortable with my faith and identity as a Catholic – I thought that following most of the “rules” meant that I could put a nice big check mark on the religious obligations part of life even though I had zero kind of a steady prayer life or actual relationship with God. I poured my life into school and built my identity and self-worth upon my academic achievements, GPA, and constant activity. By the time I graduated I had that great resume but felt an emptiness of heart. My personal achievements had failed to actually fulfill me, but I was afraid to look deeper into myself to find what I was missing.

After graduation I packed up and headed to Bonn, Germany to complete a teaching fellowship and dive deeper into the language and culture I’d studied in college. There I met a FOCUS team at the University of Bonn Catholic Center and was immediately drawn to the authentic joy of the missionaries and wanted to figure out where exactly it came from. I was invited to join a FOCUS Bible study which began my first real prayerful encounters with scripture. This triggered some hard questions and made me reevaluate the way I thought about my faith. I came to realize that Christ wants so much more for me that fulfilling prescribed duties, but actually desires my whole heart. That He loves me for who I am, not for anything that I achieve or accomplish.

My pandemic lock-down experience in Germany forced me to stop my whirl of activity and gave me lot of time for prayer and reflection: If I truly believe in the message of the Gospel, how do I want to lead my life? I couldn t think of a better way to allow myself to be an instrument of God s will than by joining the organization that guided me on the path to seeing my faith in such a beautiful light. I am so excited to walk with college students and have the opportunity to share some of the joy which has been gifted to me!

Your Impact

“Some give by going, others go by giving” -St. Mother Teresa

As a full-time missionary, I have the privilege of placing full trust in God by fundraising my entire mission budget. I’ve been blessed with the most amazing people who have journeyed with me as I serve students on campus. If you are interested in partnering with me, please let me know of the best way to reach you; I would love to share more in depth about mission in Vienna. My mission is truly dependent on your support and generosity, and I am confident that through the grace of God our work will reach many souls. I would be so honored to partner with you on this great adventure of spreading the Gospel to all nations.  Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions!

Find other missionaries

FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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